Pokemon (2023) (Dub)

In a world filled with strange yet majestic creatures known as Pokémon, a new adventure begins! Hailing from the pristine region of Paldea, the timid Liko travels to the Kanto region to attend the Indigo Academy and become a Pokémon trainer—a person who forms relationships with Pokémon and trains them to participate in battles. Soon, Liko acquires Nyahoja, a fickle Grass-type cat Pokémon, as her first partner. Prior to Liko's transfer to Kanto, her grandmother gives her a uniquely patterned and gleaming pendant as a protective charm. However, an enigmatic organization—The Explorers—seems to know a secret about the pendant and nearly succeeds in stealing it from Liko. Fortunately, she is rescued by the Rising Volt Tacklers, a group of adventurers led by a Lizardon-riding trainer named Friede. After a series of encounters with The Explorers, Liko decides to join Friede's team, accompanying him and his crew members on a grand journey across the regions. Along the way, they aim to unravel not only the mysteries of the world of Pokémon, but also the power that resides within her pendant.

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